Preventing access to a web page from our windows
This entry is rather aimed at parents, because they do not think anyone wants to bar himself nothing. But the truth is there who would like to know so we can prevent access to any particular page.
Well, say for example that we prohibit access to , para ello tendremos que editar un archivo que se encuentra en la siguiente ruta:
Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Windows NT / 2000 : C:\WINNT\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Windows 95 / 98 / Me : C:\Windows\hosts
Este archivo podemos abrirlo con Notepad o cualquier editor de texto plano. Al abrirlo veeremos algo así
ahora lo único que tendríamos que hacer es agregar las siguientes lineas al final del documento:
and here we are saying to our system when requesting one of these addresses with ip link we posted previously, that being invalidated not going anywhere. Remember to set the address with www and without it, because they are different addresses but can go to the same page.
That is no doubt leave a picture of how it would end