Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How The Sperm Are Closest To The Cervix


The truth is that this video makes me think at first glance I would say that this is a fake, but after looking statements as that of an American man has been achieved up to 7 times by lightning makes me think it might be possible.
Let everyone draw their own conclusions, it seems to be an assembly but I have very carefully worked. Besides what can a person be struck by lightning? And what chances of being struck twice in a row?

is BAD LUCK Man Struck by Lightning Twice by krykiller

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Learned To Suck My Own Dick

reached by the rays of the disaster in Japan Documentary (2011)

National Geographic has made a documentary of 45 minutes duration of the horrible earthquake-tsunami Japan with images of videographers, news crews, tourists, etc ...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wholesale Metalcore Wheels

The bat that eats other Completely idiot

The bat of the sequence is a "false vampire" of Guatemala, the largest species in the Americas and a fierce and stealthy hunter able to catch and eat other bats. The victim of this video from National Geographic is a vampire, wrinkled face.

Lease Reduction Sample Letter

Pollution and disease, pollution can lead to diabetes

L to contamination is a risk factor for developing diabetes . 13.5 percent of the English over 18 have this disease , of \u200b\u200bwhich eight percent know what , and a similar number of people are in a position to "prediabetes." Studies
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga pay the thesis of influence of pollution on this pathology . Similarly, the disease is associated with obesity, hypertension and sedentary lifestyle, with percentages prevalence in the English population are of 28.5, 48 and 60 percent respectively. Among
future therapies for diabetes, experts say implementing embryonic cells, the pancreas and pancreatic islets and the possibilities of artificial pancreas in the treatment of this disease, which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) have 220 million people worldwide. Source
Diabetes is a disease in which levels of glucose (sugar) from blood have very high magnitudes. Glucose comes from foods consume. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose enter your cells to give energy. In type 1 diabetes, the body produces no insulin. In type 2, the most common, body or no insulin or use it the right way. Without this contribution, glucose accumulates in the blood.
Over time, diabetes causes serious body. Can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves, and cardiovascular diseases. Type 2 diabetes among its symptoms with fatigue, thirst, weight loss, blurred vision and lack of bladder function.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Laser Surgery Erosion Cervix


Whoever plays with fire burns and also playing with firecrackers.

EMBED-Failed Firework Explosion Nutshot - Watch more free videos

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blood In Cervix Period

Pollution in Tarragona, Spain, the problem of radioactive contamination

Tarragona City Council has committed to a Environmental Mediation Service to mediate between chemical companies and justice in case of pollution incidents in the city.

The pollution caused by petrochemical Tarragona is a problem that comes from long ago, that is why the Mayor of Tarragona, Josep Felix Ballesteros (PSC), announced this 12 April the creation of this office within three months during the press conference presenting the findings of scientific course organized by the environmental agency Mediterranean.

Indeed, the creation of this new service is a proposal for Mediterranean, which states that when a pollution incident "between the technical information is vital", as well as technicians to transmit to the politicians who are " who will have to make decisions with social and media involvement. "

In this sense, have to be "clear and transparent, avoiding demagoguery or attempt to conceal the true extent of the problem," said the report's conclusions.

is at this point that emphasizes Mediterranean demand already made more than a year ago, the creation of an International Tribunal of Environment, a body to mediate between companies that pollute and governments of the countries which produce pollution.

Female Genital Movies

surprise attack miraculously survives Driver

Make it the largest district does not mean that nobody can cough.
just have to throw eggs, being nearsighted or be mu crazy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Can I Make Slide Projector

Gold Cobra Cobra Gold has a date! Later

April 9 was the last meeting that took the band with the company Interscope Records, responsible for moving the new album Limp Bizkit to the market. Fred tweeter public on the following:

"Fans of Limp Bizkit - The new release date is 28 JUNE! Today we had a meeting with Interscope, it was amazing. We choose our singles. It is time for videos. "

only hope for the long awaited album

Monday, April 11, 2011

Boobs Of Indian Heroines

Problem with avast, alerts on all pages

Currently there is a problem with our Free Antivirus Avast!
multitude of users are having problems with navigation as Avast! detects all the websites as potential threats and prevents us to visit that site.
The "solution" is in disable the web shield of Avast! momentarily to update their database and correct the problem.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monster Energy Tongue Rings


HOLAAAAAAA such everything? and as you will see each of you and glad to read you every day. In brief supporting a benefit concert for the victims in Japan and is done after the ASCAP Expo in Hollywood. After more co-writings and those who are to come ....
wanted to share with you this article that I sent my aunt. Grandeeeeeeeee kiss and gets the weekend full of strength.


This is an interview with La Vanguardia Digital was performed by Dr. Mario Alonso Puig who is a Specialist in General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Fellow of Harvard University Medical School and member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

So far they said the enlightened, meditators and scholars, now science says: are our thoughts that largely been created and are continually creating our world. "Today we know that self confidence, enthusiasm and excitement have the ability to promote higher functions the brain. The prefrontal area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, where takes place the most advanced thinking, which makes up our future, where we value alternatives and strategies to solve problems and make decisions, is tremendously influenced by the limbic system, which is our emotional brain. So, what the heart wants to feel, the mind will just show ". We must train the mind
I have 48 years. I was born and live in Madrid. I'm married and I have three children. I am Surgeon General and the digestive tract in the Hospital de Madrid. We must exercise and develop the flexibility and tolerance. It can be very firm and polite behavior with people. I'm Catholic. I've just published a leading Wood (Empresa Activa)
IMA SANCHÍS - 18/10 / 2004
- Over 25 years practicing as a surgeon. Bottom line?
"I can attest that a person excited, committed and self-confident can go far beyond what one would expect for his career.
- Psiconeuroinmunobiología?
"Yes, it is the science that studies the connection between thought, speech, mentality and physiology of human beings. A connection that challenges the traditional paradigm. The thoughts and words are a form of vital energy that has the ability (and has been shown in a sustainable manner) to interact with the body and cause physical changes very deep.
- What is it?
"It has been shown in several studies than a minute left to entertain a negative thought the immune system in a delicate situation for six hours. Distress, permanent feeling of being overwhelmed that produces very striking changes in the functioning of the brain and hormonal constellation.
- What kind of changes?
-has the ability to damage neurons in the memory and learning located in the hippocampus. And it affects our intellectual blood flow as it leaves those brain areas most needed to make good decisions.
- Do we have resources to fight the enemy within, or is that thing wise? "A valuable resource
against the concern is to bring attention to abdominal breathing alone has the ability to produce changes in the brain. It promotes the secretion of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins and improves tuning of brain rhythms between the two hemispheres.
- Change your mind through the body?
"Yes. We must remove the focus of those thoughts that we are changing, causing discouragement, anger, or concern, and make our decisions depart from an inadequate view. It's smarter, not more reasonable to bring the focus to the breath that he has the ability to calm our mental state.
- You say you do not have to be reasonable?
-always find reasons to justify our bad mood, stress or sadness, and that's a given line of thought. But when we rely on how we live, for example, without sadness, there is another line. More important are the what and why than how. What the heart wants to feel, the mind has just shown.
- Exaggerate.
"When our brain gives meaning to something, we live it as absolute fact, without being aware that only an interpretation of reality.
- More resources ...
"The word is a form of vital energy. It has been photographing with positron emission tomography how people who decided to speak for themselves in a more positive, specifically people with mental disorders, managed to physically reshape their brain structure, specifically the circuits that generate these diseases.
- Can we change our brain with good words?
-Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1906, said something extremely powerful that once thought it was metaphoric. Now we know that is literal: "Every human being, if it proposes can be sculptor of his own brain."
- Sure you do not exaggerate?
-No. Depending on how we talk to ourselves shape our emotions, which change our perceptions. The transformation of the observer (us) alters the process observed. Do not see the world is that we see the world.
- we talk about philosophy or science?
"Words alone activated amygdaloid nuclei. Can activate, for example, the nuclei of fear that transform the hormones and mental processes. Harvard scientists have shown that when the person is able to reduce the cacophony inside and enter the silence, migraines and pain can be reduced coronary
- What is the effect of unspoken words? "We often confuse
our views with the truth and that is transmitted: the perception goes beyond reason. Albert Merhabian Studies, University of California (UCLA), 93% of the impact of communication is below consciousness.
- Why is it so difficult to change?
"Fear keeps us out of comfort zone, we tend to the security of the known, and that attitude prevents us from performing. To grow you must leave the area.
- Most of the acts of our lives are governed by the unconscious.
-react according to some automation that we have incorporated. We think that spontaneity is a value, but first there must be spontaneity preparation, but there are only automatic. I am increasingly convinced of the power of the mind training.
- Give me a clue. Change
-trained habits of thought and integrity to honor his own word. When we say "I do this" and we do not physically alter the brain. The greatest potential is consciousness.
- See what is and accept it.
"If we accept for who we are and what we are not, we can change. What resists persists. Acceptance is the core of the transformation.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brazzilian Wax Designs

The driver of this vehicle has been reborn: The vehicle in front of him stepped on a fairly thick wooden stick and it bounced into the windscreen of the car atravesándola.Las images are chilling .. . few inches to the left and the driver does not account ...

Get Tooth Pulled Calgary

Menuda animality entry ... Baby twins talking

Without words ... will input brutality. It happened at a party in the Republic Checa.Acciones how are you are expected to be hardest hit ...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Belkin Model F6d4050 Drivers Debian Linux

These two kids in diapers hold a conversation as funny. I wish I could figure out what you are saying to each other.

The Server Responded :554

It sticks a stick in the face

The video was recorded by the drivers themselves with the camera he carried in his helmet. I was doing motocross and a small to fall, unfortunately, is stuck a stick in the face.
WARNING: Beware the most sensitive images are a bit nasty for the hearing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blood In Verginty Lose Vedio

the fury of nature

When vents its fury of nature can do little more than shelter and pray. A boy with his mobile phone records what looks like a storm and it's amazing the speed with which the clouds take over the city, darkening the landscape in seconds and sowing panic among the people.

Nature's Fury: Awesome Kuwaiti Sandstorm - Watch more Funny Videos

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Dag'La Yanar Eternal Fire Mountain '

A fire that never dies and comes from gas that seeps from the ground by the porous rock sandstone. Geologists Yanar Dag defined as 'mud volcano' an indicator of the reserves of oil and gas (mostly methane) hidden under the earth in this region with one of the largest concentrations of oil in the world.