Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Blackwork Tattoo Artist

While You Sleep The Kings will leave a song

know what?
If you feel a kiss while you sleep, do not worry it's mine, I send you every time I think of you, and go with the strength of a beat of my heart.
I hope you enjoy this gift as much as it was for my composing.
not found another way to make a gift to take something of mine, and mine but something that came out of an emotion, a thought, a smile, a dream.
And tonight as you sleep, I'll come to leave you a piece of me. Happy Three Kings Day

While you sleep I will imagine you wake

and I want to kiss, unrepentant

to have stayed with me.

It was strange not one more night, just feel

a sweet beat, remember

when you last night.

Only if you want to know me again You left in my

a mark that is hard to erase

and it was another night
not breathing

I get to you just to see you awake while you sleep will be here

my head to explode

and your body begins to awaken and is less

to see your eyes open

If I could stop time and knew

here what you would say
kiss you before you say nothing.

It only remains to know if you see me again.

You left in my .......


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