since yesterday and for at least ten months residents will have another type of pollution by the construction of the new level of North Loop.
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 11 .- noise, pollution, vibration, litter, felling trees and invasion of green areas are just some of the affectations that generate second-floor building in the Loop Road North that will affect residents of neighborhoods surrounding the section of Four Conscripto roads where work began yesterday.
The main problem is the noise, before the arrival of machinery, transport materials and excavations carried out in the 11 pm to five o'clock, time set for the maneuvers.
During that time, local authorities estimate that could increase noise levels in the road which in itself, is called noisy to reach up to 86 decibels daily.
According to the Environmental Standard for DF-005-AMBT NADF-2006, the activities that take place from 8 pm to 6 am in the city can not exceed the emission 62 decibels, equivalent to the noise generated by light plants, bars, discos or stamping
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